A biking routine is probably one of the most rewarding physical activities one can engage in: it is extremely healthy for your body and mind, ecologically friendly and has the power to bring people together, making you new friends and opening a world of opportunities for you to discover. Biking sustains jobs, hobbies and training – but, to say the truth, it is not only the safest activity of them all. Traffic aside, there are some things that can happen to you while biking, from flat tires to getting lost in a neighborhood you are not familiar with. Read More
Whether you live in an urban apartment or a residential suburb house you cannot eliminate the possibility of a home break in. Burglars have their ways of learning if you have valuable possessions in your home. And today, in a super cyber-oriented world, they don’t need your cash or jewelry or tech gadgets anymore as they can clean you bank accounts in the blink of an eye. This is why today we will try to cover the basic home safety options you should consider to keep all perpetrators away from your home and family. Read More
We live in a violent society, truth be told, and women are unfortunately exposed to plenty of attacks every single day, all over the world. While the primary objective of society should be education, prevention and proper reprimand of such acts, it is not less true that women also managed to step up their game and contribute to their own safety. Luckily, the modern world offers them plenty of opportunities to get in control, stay safe and even defend themselves. Let’s see a few safety tips, tricks and even gadgets to keep yourself safe at all times, no matter if you walk alone in the city, travel the world or experience a house break-in attempt. Read More
Being a parent implies hundreds and hundreds of responsibilities, worries and concerns, especially when it comes to the child’s safety. Driving around with a child also means that you have to pay attention to every little detail, no matter how small or unimportant it may seem. Luckily for everybody, there are plenty of experts to offer us guidance when it comes to car safety tips and advice. Read More
No matter if you travel solo, with your partner or in a group of friends, staying safe is of paramount importance even in a short city break. Besides the terrible things that have happened to tourists visiting other cultures and countries (terrorist attacks and shootings come to mind), each destination has its fair share of petty crime you should steer clear from. Today we will take a quick look at some travel safety tips you shouldn’t ignore when you get ready for a city break to another culture. Read More
Long before Apple Watch and Android Wear were launched, Pebble was the first smartwatch to accessorize our wrists with a gadget that complements our phones. Looking back we can see how far we’ve come with the smartwatch technology. Today, we took things even further and we are proud to announce the first Red Panic Button – smartwatch integration with Pebble because all classics deserve an upgrade.
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The daily run, either during the day or at night after work hours is a great way to keep fit, train your body and shake off the sedentary lifestyles we all seem to be swamped with. But running as a daily routine can sometimes prove dangerous. You can slip and fall or you can strain a muscle and need help getting home or at the ER. Read More
Nous sommes ravis de lancer une application de bouton de panique rouge en Français. S’appuyant sur l’intérêt démontré par les clients français pour l’application du bouton de panique rouge, nous avons décidé de fabriquer une adaptation spéciale française du bouton de panique rouge, spécifiquement personnalisée pour les francophones. Read More
Life with disabilities can sometimes be even harder than one can imagine – safety wise. Besides the inherent struggles of compensating an impairment or another, disabled people are also vulnerable to all sorts of dangers, even if they live on their own or together with family or caregivers. Luckily for everybody, today’s technology made sure that people with disabilities live comfortably, providing them with certain apps and software meant to increase their quality of life. Read More
Hurricanes are natural catastrophes that one cannot stand against. We all know that such destructive phenomena take their toll in human lives and material damages that sometimes go beyond measure. But while we can’t put a stop to them, we can certainly take precautions and steps towards awareness and preparedness. Today we will take a look at some advice, tips and recommendations regarding safety measures during hurricane season. Read More