Summer is the festival season and people from all walks of life gather together to share a passion for music, art, gastronomy, cinema, theater or other forms of entertainment. But usually festivals are crowded, confusing places, where it is easier to get lost or end up in a stressful situation than get a cold drink. And if you are attending a festival in another city or country, things can get messy really fast. Luckily for everybody, the Red Panic Button app can help you go through a stressful situation and stay safe no matter where you are. Read More
Finally going on that vacation you dreamed of for so long is a thrilling emotion! You deserved it and you further deserve to recharge your batteries, see new and beautiful places, enjoy some new experiences and have some fun! Planning a vacation is no easy feat though: you need your paperwork properly done, all reservations confirmed, all bags ready and all travel and health insurance policies signed and sealed. Read More
Taking a much-needed summer trip abroad with your partner, friends or by yourself is something to look forward to. No matter if you dream of an all exclusive exotic beach resort, or you take the uncharted path around the world, the excitement and the thrill of the journey are still the same. Of course, when you are leaving home, you need to make sure the family members are constantly updated to your whereabouts and plans while traveling abroad. Read More