What’s more fun than going to see your favorite performers playing live in big concerts? Watching the band you love lay it all on the line while enjoying a cold drink together with your family or your favorite group of friends is all you need for some great memories this summer. Add in the music you adore from your favorite performers in edgy electric atmospheres and those memories become life moments, remembered into the long distant future. It’s easy to get carried away during the show and forget about safety. There is however one more friend you might consider bringing along with you on this journey to ensure a perfect experience: The Red Panic Button app. It can make the difference when it comes to safety for both you and your chosen entourage.
Live performances can be a great deal of fun, but there are certain risks one exposes himself to when attending a crowded concert. Did you ever get separated from your family or friends in a sea of people? The loud music makes it impossible to have a phone conversation and messaging only helps if you are familiar with the venue or you have a predetermined meeting place that you are able to reach.
Here is where the Red Panic Button app comes in. All you need to do is reach for your phone and, by pushing the Panic Button you can message everyone your exact location and let them know you can’t find your way.
But that is not the only scenario that makes the Red Panic Button a must-have. What if your wallet gets stolen? Or you suddenly feel unwell due to heat or (alcohol caused) dehydration, making it difficult to contact someone or explain exactly where you are within the surrounding chaos?
Pushing the Panic Button is the easy way to let everyone know you are not ok and the app will send your contact lists a distress call with your location coordinates to have them join you. It’s always better to be prepared for the unexpected in today’s day and age especially in a crowd where copious amounts of alcohol are consumed.
An epic concert stays with you for months, years or decades afterward. But getting lost in the excitement is possible, the conditions at a musical concert are ripe for accidents, and the unexpected can strike any time. Big crowds can be full of unseen dangers, from petty theft to inebriated individuals. Give yourself the peace of mind you deserve in order to enjoy an amazing experience while knowing your group is always within reach. Thinking it’s not going to happen to you is not going to keep you safe.
You and your loved ones can always feel safe and protected, knowing the Red Panic Button app is with you at all times. Cherish your future memories and don’t let fear or unfortunate events ruin the show. Safety is just a push away.