The flu season can be safely navigated if we take some precaution measures. Just like every year, the flu keeps a lot of people in their homes and in their beds, feeling like it is the end of the world. If you experience some of the following symptoms – fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache chills and fatigue, sometimes vomiting and diarrhea – chances are you got the flu. Keep in mind that you may be infected with the flu and have respiratory symptoms and yet no fever.
According to the specialists at CDC, however, flu can be prevented if we are careful. Today, we will take a look at some tips and advice on how to pass flu season without a problem!
1. The CDC recommends a yearly flu vaccine as the first and most important action to take against flu viruses. There are plenty of flu virus strains circulating among us, but the CDC advises to take the shot as it will protect us against the most common types of viruses more active in a season.
2. If you have colleagues at work, friends or family members who show symptoms of flu, limit your contact with them. It may not be the smartest move from a social point of view, but it is safer for you, for them, and for everyone you will encounter. Avoiding close contact with sick people stops the germs from spreading. If you have flu symptoms, avoid contact with others at any cost.
3. Don’t touch anything. If you touch objects, refrain from touching your face, mouth, or nose without having disinfected your hands first.
4. If you get the flu, stay home. You do not need or want to walk around making other people ill as well. While you are at home, disinfect the things you touch, especially if you have children. They can get sick incredibly fast and because they put their hands on their faces and in their mouths, the germs can transfer from the things you touched into their bodies.
5. Cover your mouth and nose. If you can and you do not feel too awkward about it, wear a surgical mask when you are in crowded places or packed together with other people in the subway for instance. It helps you avoid getting sick and it protects the others to get sick from you if you have the flu. Wearing a scarf may also help, but surgical masks are better.
6. Wash your hands often and use sanitizing gel when you do not have access to soap and water. If you spend plenty of time in public and crowded places, clean your hands with rubbing alcohol or gel with every chance. Breathing the same air with other people or touching the same objects (means of transportation, waiting rooms, restaurants, the office, etc.) allows germs to spread exponentially.
7. Mind your diet. You need your metabolism to work hard and your immune system to work fast so you do not crash and burn if the virus hits you. Eat hearty and nutritious food packed with vitamins and minerals, add extra fluids to your daily habits, introduce plenty of Vitamin C in your diet via citrus fruits and vegetables, sleep well and exercise.
8. Take the anti-flu medication your doctor gives you. It is true that the flu will play an ugly number on you and you need to have patience, rest, and let it go away, but if your doctor gave you medicine, take it. Keep in mind that antiviral drugs are different from antibiotics. They are prescription medicines and are not available over-the-counter. Their main role is to keep the fever in check and prevent flu complications.
These are some of the most important tips and recommendations coming from doctors and the CDC. We hope you are in your top shape and the best of health and that you will navigate the murky waters of flu season with flying colors!